Saturday, April 11, 2015

Using the offset range settting as an error check

Unfortunate NCR’s are a manufacturing occurrence we all have to deal with. Hopefully, they occur less and less often as time goes on. We get better by implementing continual improvement but revisions and newly designed parts always throw us a curve. A foolproof corrective action is the only way to combat errors and make sure the same mistake never happens twice.
The hardest type of corrective action occurs when human error is involved. Keypunch errors, calculator errors and just those plan old momentary dyslexic errors we have all done from time to time. We all do it. Get the 5’s and the 3’s inverted and wonder why we did that with no answer or logical reason: it’s just human.
Consider the event where your operator is to take .001 off the OD of a part and inadvertently inputs .01 and we have a part for a paperweight and thousands of dollars down the drain. 
As a manager, how do you discipline an employee for a mistake like that when you know you have done it yourself in the past? Whether at home, at work or really help us… at the bank it’s going to happen: Hopefully later than sooner.
Fortunately, FANUC has an answer by setting the offset range. Properly implemented it can stop many different types of keypunch errors. By setting the off set range on a finish tool to .001 a operator can no longer maker the above mistake. True, if he needs to take off three thousandths he will have to offset 3 times at .0001. There is some lost time here but who likes to calculate the cost of rework, worst yet scrap.
To follow is how to set this function for the 31i controls. Older versions can be set through the proper parameters. Be aware, there are some limitations depending on your type of memory.
MEMORY SYSTEM A – Geometry offsets in X only
MEMORY SYSTEM B – Geometry offsets in X and Y axis
MEMORY SYSTEM C – Geometry and Wear offsets in X, Y and radius. 
First press the offset setting function key and then click the arrow until the [GUARD] soft key appears. You should now see the following screen:

CNC programming

Use the arrow keys to manipulate to the desired field and input all the data possible for your system.
Now, go to the offsets screen and test you input. If you input an offset larger than your upper or lower limit you will get a message “DATA IS OUT OF RANGE”.
Good luck and I hope this information prevents the occurrence of that next NCR.

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